Business loan comparison that helps you get the financing you need to grow your business.

How to secure a loan that works harder for you.

Times have changed. For business owners, borrowing money is more complex than ever. Taking a DIY approach to business loan comparison is no longer the best way.

It’s better to:

  • First, understand how lenders view and assess your loan request, so you can take corrective action and address any issues.
  • Involve more than one lender to create competitive tension and reduce risk.
  • Know who the right lenders and lending managers are.
  • Be across the range of loan products, understand how they’re different and which will work best for you.
  • Follow the right process and have the time to commit to it.
  • Have professional advisors on your team advocating for you.

One Team

Lenders are far more responsive when they’re dealing with brokers who prepare professional finance proposals and have the client’s and their accountant’s support.

At The 500 Group, we work with you, your accountant, and the most suitable lenders and lending managers to find and secure the optimal deal for you.

We work as a team to leverage our combined credibility, knowledge, and professionalism to represent and advocate for you.

One pathway to approval.

Our proven pathway to approval starts with market-leading loan assessment software and steps you through a robust process to maximise your success.