Prospa Groundbreakers | Sharon Piening

  • 22 March, 2018
  • admin

We are delighted that one of our team, Sharon Piening, features in this month MFAA Prospa Groundbreakers Series

Sharon worked for many years in Asset Finance with one of Australia’s Banks but two years ago she decided to follow her heart, establish her own business and joined The 500 Group!

Since then she has achieved remarkable results helping business owners and individuals navigate the complex world of asset finance.

As she point out in the Prospa Groundbreakers article, Asset Finance, be it equipment or motor vehicles, requires specialist knowledge and is not an area where generalists should play!

She also points out that whilst interest rates are important, the total cost of the finance and its structure need equal consideration. At times a lower headline interest rate may mask higher overall costs

This is fantastic recognition for someone who combines exceptional knowledge with an intense customer focus!

If you would like to learn more about how Sharon may be able to assist you in the area of Equipment or Motor Vehicle Finance give her a call!